Climbing the property ladder?

Everything you need to make better and more profitable investment decisions.

As a landlord or property manager, collecting rent is arguably one of the most important aspects of renting out a property. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most difficult. This is because there’s so much to keep in mind in terms of legal requirements and entitlements.

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Managing a rental property isn’t as simple as sitting back and collecting rent. There are certain rules for landlords that are in place to protect the rights of tenants. Failing to follow them can result in large fines and possibly prosecution. Ignorance of the law is no defence, so here are five easy mistakes to avoid when managing a rental property.

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A rental property is an investment. You put the time and effort in order to see results. Obviously rentals require active management to keep tenants, tenancies and the properties themselves in line. So, ask yourself, would you prefer to be that person or is it worth putting your rental in the hands of a professional property manager?

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Rental properties can be financially rewarding and satisfying to own, but there is a lot of groundwork to be laid before you can enjoy the benefits. To be a successful landlord who avoids unwanted tension and legal action, it is important to understand the rights of your tenants, as well as your obligations and responsibilities.

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With daylight savings officially over, the days are getting shorter, darker, colder and wetter. As you dust off your woolly coats and get ready for the cool season, don’t forget to also give your rental property some TLC.

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In New Zealand, there are two common notice agreements; periodic tenancies and fixed-term tenancies. We outline the pros and cons of each option below, as well as take a look at what happens if you decide to sell your home or rent it to family members.

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